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I’m Bex and I’m a holistic massage therapist, energy worker and yoga teacher. I am a creative, and love to bring this part of my nature into my holistic offerings.

My Story

My journey with holistic therapies began in 2018 when I completed my 200HR Yoga certification. Prior to this I was working in fast-paced environment on the verge of burnout. After an auto-immune diagnosis, I decided to explore my interests in bodywork and essential oils not only to support others but my own healing too! I trained as a Holistic Massage therapist and obtained my Reiki Level 1-2 in 2020.


I take great care in creating tailored treatments to the individual client in need, offering a fusion of holistic therapies, that include deep tissue, shiatsu, chakra balancing, reiki healing, stretching, myofascial release techniques, meditation, and pranayama. 


I feel strongly about the power of treating the body as a whole. Holistic healing is multi-faceted and requires enquiry into all aspects of mind, body and spirit. I am passionate about helping others discover these alternative therapies and their own power to self heal.


In my own time I explore my creatives through art, and my love of the ocean. I enjoy surfing and swimming. I find calm and fluidity through my love of drawing and illustration.


I hope to create a safe, inviting, nourishing space for all who wish to embark on their healing journey, looking forward to connecting with you soon!


  • RYS YMCA L3 200HR Yoga Diploma - Revitalise, Brighton

  • Holistic Deep Tissue Massage - Jing Advanced Massage Training Certificate, Brighton

  • Reiki Levels 1-2 - The Wellbeing Workshop, London

Book a Service

Calm Sea


I have had two massages with reiki treatments from Bex. They have both been absolutely incredible experiences. I felt physically relaxed, rejuvenated and at ease throughout. Bex is a safe pair of healing hands and certainly knew what I needed. I felt safe to be open to such deep and meaningful healing. Bex is tender and kind in her healing and is a very talented massage therapist. Being held in such a beautiful way both spiritually and through the physical massage was an amazing experience and I will absolutely be booking in again. Thank you 🤍

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